Local and Military Days

Valley Local and Military Appreciation Days
Every Non-Holiday Tuesday And Wednesday
Join us for Valley Local and Military Appreciation Days, where eligible guests can enjoy $25 lift tickets! Here’s who qualifies:
- Active member in the military
- Veterans
- Resident in Eden
- Resident in Huntsville
- Resident in Liberty
- Student at Weber State
Come to the ticket windows on the morning of your arrival and let us know to get your tickets for the day!
Valley Local And Military Appreciation Days
- 10th
- 11th
- 17th
- 18th
- 7th
- 8th
- 14th
- 15th
- 21st
- 22nd
- 28th
- 29th
- 4th
- 5th
- 11th
- 12th
- 18th
- 19th
- 25th
- 26th
- 4th
- 5th
- 11th
- 12th
- 18th
- 19th
- 25th
- 26th
- 1st
- 2nd